Department: Engineering
Subject: Type of Action: Approval/Action
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement between the City of Huntsville Alabama and Schoel Engineering Company, Inc., for 9th Avenue and Seminole Drive Intersection Improvements, Project No. 71-24-SP09.
Resolution No.
Finance Information:
Account Number: 3080-71-00000-524009-00000000
City Cost Amount: $36,890.00
Total Cost: $36,890.00
Special Circumstances:
Grant Funded: N/A
Grant Title - CFDA or granting Agency: N/A
Resolution #: N/A
Location: (list below)
Address: N/A
District: District 1 ☐ District 2 ☐ District 3 ☐ District 4 ☐ District 5 ☐
Additional Comments:
Engineering design services with Schoel Engineering for streetscape and off-site drainage improvements at the intersection of Seminole Drive and 9th Avenue to accommodate for new development.