Department: Natural Resources
Subject: Type of Action: Approval/Action
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Special Employee Agreement between the City of Huntsville and Daniel Shea.
Resolution No.
Finance Information:
Account Number: 1000-73-73100-501010-00000000
City Obligation Amount: NTE $37,000.00
Total Obligation: NTE $37,000.00
Special Circumstances:
Grant Funded: N/A
Grant Title - CFDA or granting Agency: N/A
Resolution #: N/A
Address: N/A
District: District 1 ☐ District 2 ☐ District 3 ☐ District 4 ☐ District 5 ☐
Additional Comments:
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Special Employee Agreement between the City of Huntsville and Daniel Shea to assist the Natural Resources Department with various Clean Air Act regulatory and environmental compliance requirements and requirements of the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit.