Department: Finance
Subject: Type of Action: Approval/Action
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreements with the low bidders meeting specifications as outlined in the attached Summary of Bids for Acceptance.
Type of Document: Resolution No.
Finance Information:
Account Number: See additional comments below.
City Cost Amount: $ Various based on Contract pricing structures.
Total Cost: $ Various based on Contract pricing structures.
Special Circumstances:
Grant Funded: $ N/A
Grant Title - CFDA or granting Agency: N/A
Resolution #: N/A
Location: (list below)
Address: N/A
District: District 1 ☐ District 2 ☐ District 3 ☐ District 4 ☐ District 5 ☐
Additional Comments:
Standard of periodic bid utilizes by various departments.
Update of Bids:
Temple, Inc. - Advanced Traffic Controller Cabinets (Traffic Engineering)